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Which vitamin is easily destroyed by cooking ?(कौन सा विटामिन पकाने से आसानी से नष्ट हो जाता है )

 Which vitamin is easily destroyed by cooking 

Name the vitamin that gets destroyed by heat during cooking:


Vitamins have a very important contribution in our biological life, the importance of vitamins is that they maintain the balance of our body. If we are taking it, then it can be very harmful on our body, so in this I would say that whatever you get, take it with the advice of a doctor, then let's know which is the vitamin which gets destroyed by cooking.

Vitamin c

Vitamin C is destroyed by cooking or exposure to hot air. When we cook vegetables rich in vitamin C, the vitamin that they contain is destroyed such as cabbage, spinach and green chilies and such. There are many vegetables which contain vitamin C. When we boil them, the vitamin C they contain is completely destroyed and our fruits also contain vitamin C like oranges contain vitamin C in lemon, green chilies contain vitamin C. It is possible to get vitamin C by eating them, if they are kept in even a small temperature, as if hot air blows, then it gets destroyed.


We have some other vitamins which are not destroyed by temperature reading like Vitamin A Vitamin B Vitamin D Vitamin B1 Vitamin B12 Vitamin B1 B2 B3 This Vitamin A which is not destroyed by temperature formation and it is very beneficial for our body are also

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